Thursday, 22 August 2013

Caspar born, and the emotional rollercoaster!

So, a week ago today, I packed my bags and Ken and I left for the hospital for an elective Caesarean section. And at 9:35am; here he is: baby Caspar (this is possibly the worst photo of me ever!)
However, within a couple of hours it became obvious that his breathing was too rapid and his lungs were not working properly. So, over to the High Dependency Nursery in the Special Care Baby Unit for tests.
However, the little nasal prongs delivering oxygen up his nose kept having to be turned up, and on Saturday he was moved over to Intensive Care and put on a ventilator, and they ran a barrage of tests including a lumbar puncture.
I cannot describe how frightened we were. We had made up our minds to have him registered and baptised the next day. However, when we came back to NICU the next morning:
Baby Caspar back on his nasal prongs!
And on Monday, he was moved from Intensive Care back to High Dependency:
And yesterday he was moved from his incubator into a normal bassinet/crib:
 Look! No high flow oxygen!
 Right. Now I've calmed down a bit. Here are the bits that I'm grateful for:

Firstly, and most importantly, our wonderful, wonderful NHS. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Secondly, the hospital does have some nice vegetarian sandwiches:

 Thirdly, there's a strange sort of black humour that exists in hospitals and, in SCBU, is carried between the parents and the staff in the form of silly in-jokes and gentle teasing, which provides a release of tension. And, there's also the British notion that we can get through anything if there's enough tea!

So, that's all for now folks! I'm off to have a shower, and whizz back to the hospital! :-)

1 comment:

IsaP said...

Huge amounts of hugs and love to Casper, you and the whole family! Isn't