Monday 29 June 2009

Messing around at the park!

This is Guy. He can be a bit indecisive.
I wonder where he gets that from? Hmmmm.......

Sunday 28 June 2009

Summer days!

One of the perils of morning sickness, which I hadn't previously encountered. Once you've finished and are ready to go back to bed - there's no space anymore!

As the days get warmer,we're spending more time in the garden.
Here's Phoebe and Guy's first potato crop!

Not so much tilting at windmills, more fencing with the sprinkler!

We went to a Children's Food Festival, where we had water buffalo ice cream, and stroked the baby water buffalos.

We got to see some beef cattle.

And some little piglets watching a show!

Sunday 21 June 2009

This weekend....

We made assorted yummy breads, cakes, and tarts - and took them along to our church food fair!
Competition starts early in the Orthodox Church! Guy and Ita are trying to out-do each other by kissing as many Icons as they can reach!

We ate some lovely Eastern European food
Phoebe and Guy got to play with lots of their friends.

Then it was up to Grandma's for dinner and a sleep-over. Much to Phoebe's delight!

Phoebe spent Sunday afternoon playing with our friends who have a lovely husky called Orca.

Phoebe is a little besotted!

And this evening, putting the bins out, I disturbed a hedgehog in our garden!
How sweet is this?

Thursday 18 June 2009

A Fairy Tale!

One day, long, long ago, there lived a woman who did not whine, nag, or bitch.

But it was a long time ago, and it was just that one day.

The End

Thursday 11 June 2009

My Little Mermaid wannabe!

Phoebe in a rock pool!

And Guy getting a ride home!

Monday 8 June 2009

Spring is definately here!

And there is new life everywhere!

The first tomatoes are making an appearance;

The apples are forming on the tree in our garden;

And, apparently, in me too!

Sunday 7 June 2009

As I was going to school one day......

This is our walk to school in the morning.
Nice, huh?

Of course, it's the company that really makes it!