Sunday, 5 May 2013


Christ is Risen! Христос Воскресе! Χριστός Ανέστη! Firstly, Happy Orthodox Easter, everyone!
This, of course, means chocolate for breakfast!

And a family barbecue at the Adventure Playground with the church family!

As if to prove the accuracy of the Old Julian Calendar, the weather has suddenly started to get most spring-like. We are seeing the horses going out to the fields again on our walk to school.
And, speaking of horses, here's Aunty Kelly on Tarry!

And, I spent a lovely day last week sat outside, in the sunshine, watching the removal of the eucalyptus in our garden. Why doesn't everybody want to be a tree surgeon? It's obviously the best job in the world!
The eggs in Tabby's pre-school have all hatched out, and they've had a week of holding and watching the chicks, before they go into the hen-house belonging to one of the ladies who works in the pre-school.
We've been back to the butterfly gardens at Blenheim.
Isn't this cool camouflage?

That's all for now! Wishing you all, all the Blessings of Easter!