Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Quick up-date! :-)

So, this Bank Holiday weekend we went to a wedding! We drove down in our ordinary clothes, but got to the venue nice and early and changed into our smart clothes there. Here's the children freshly changed, while they're still looking smart!
Ken and me looking smartish-ish. (I should have taken that scrunchie off my wrist before the photo!)
Tabby getting a good view of the proceedings while our groom (behind her) waits for his bride to arrive!
One of the lovely bridesmaids.
Our lovely bride, with her rather confused little daughter! :-)
And leaving the ceremony.
This is our table for the wedding breakfast. Instead of named place-settings we all had different books as presents - very helpful for the children!
And, we've started a new family tradition. When Phoebe and I go to confession, the two of us go for sushi afterwards. We so rarely get to spend time on our own together, it's a real treat! :-)

1 comment:

AKmamaOf7 said...

What a sweet idea to go out together!